Baby Orange . Introduction


Winnie the Pooh series. Baby Orange comes from Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, which is nationally known as Gannan Navel Orange.Ganzhou City is located in Ganjiang River. upstream, south of Jiangxi, located at 24° 29' -27° 09' north latitude and 113° 54' -116° 38' east It is located between latitude 24° 29' -27° 09' north and longitude 113° 54' -116° 38' east. Ganzhou is a hilly mountainous area, with a mountainous area of 45.6 It is located at the southern edge of the central subtropical zone and has a typical subtropical humid monsoon climate. It has a typical subtropical humid monsoon climate with abundant rainfall, sufficient light and large temperature difference between day and night from September to November, which is extremely favorable for navel orange planting. It is also the unique taste of Gannan navel oranges, which is sweet and aromatic, sweet and juicy. The baby oranges are selected from the core planting base of Ganan navel oranges, and the planting and production are strictly in line with the international scope of EU standards. The international scope of the EU standard.

Baby Orange . Production Season


Jiangxi Ganzhou

Baby Orange . Place of production, factory


Baby Orange . Product Information


Place of origin


Selling time

Sales channels


Jiangxi Ganzhou
Late November - April
Online, supermarkets, wholesale markets
Golden acid to sugar ratio, natural ripening, rich aroma, thin and juicy green skin planted with rich vitamin C

Baby Orange . Information


    Baby Orange · 简介

    迪士尼泰国香椰全部选用泰国国家立法禁止出口种、苗保护品. 种一泰国纯种香水椰。泰国纯种香水椰主要生长于素攀河、湄隆 河两条河流呈南北贯穿的泰国中部,该地区属海淀中积土和河岸冲 积土质;土壤肥沃,富含丰富的矿物质。常年平均温度在24~30°C 昼夜温差小,阳光充足;平均降雨量1500~2000mm以上,雨水充 沛;是泰国纯种香水椰的最佳生长地。得天独厚的地理条件造就了 泰国纯种香水椰香味奇特,椰肉色白如玉,芳香滑脆;椰汁清凉甘 甜,口感极佳。 迪士尼泰国香椰完全采用符合“国际良好农业规范”(GAP) 及GMP认证的工厂加工而成,每- -批次椰青均通过国家海关商检正 规报关进口;严苛的生产标准和完备的机构检测,铸就了迪士尼泰 国香椰优良、可靠的产品品质。

    Baby Orange · 产季



    Baby Orange · 产地、工厂